Friday, May 22, 2020

What is the very worst thing about America losing 100,000 people almost so far?

The worst thing is that the help we would have been able to give other nations like Brazil and all of  Europe and India and other nations won't be forthcoming because we need the money here to care for what has happened to all Americans.

So, what Trump has done (literally) is he may have cost the lives of not just the 100,000 almost who have been tested that died and the 200,000 not tested that have died so far but also hundreds of thousands or more that have or will die now throughout the world without American Help because of Trump's inaction to save Americans in the first place.

So, the death toll is likely to be as horrific or more than the 1918 Flu pandemic which was around 50 million to 100 million people or more worldwide. It likely won't show up on counters because they aren't counting the untested worldwide (yet).

But, the real cost is likely to be at least 50 to 100 million people within 5 years to 10 years time worldwide.

I'm thinking that's we actually are looking at.

And no matter what political spin you put on it that's horrific anyway you look at it to lose more people than in World War II all over the world because Trump was busy being Senile. (AT least in regard to Coronavirus.)

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