Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Brazil had the highest number of Tested deaths today on earth at 1,209 today

Brazil has already lost 46,565 tested deaths but the real deaths likely are three to 5 times that much in actuality. So, their tested deaths could soon surpass even the U.S. if the present rates continue there. However, I think the president hides most of the deaths there in Brazil now because he is sort of like Trump.

Also, tested deaths in the U.S. today were at around 768 so we are hovering around 800 deaths now each day on average because of the states opening up all over now. Our real number of deaths are actually around 3 times the tested ones or 2200 to 2400 per day because most deaths never make it to hospital or doctor before they die even here in the U.S. for a variety of reasons.

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