Saturday, June 13, 2020

Coronavirus exhaustion

The problem with what has happened so far is that it is never ending.

If this were a hurricane, a tornado or an Earthquake there is a beginning and and end to it. But, with coronavirus it is a relatively endless vigil. And most people just are not disciplined enough to survive this mentally or physically.

So, at this point even if you survive this onslaught on human survival, your nerves might not.

So, we are at some sort of turning point now.

Where that leads us to I'm not sure.

You have the Trumpites in complete denial which is sure to kill many of them but equally as many demonstrators for black rights and equal rights likely will also die to of coronavirus.

So, life goes on but in a sort of incapacitated way compared to before.

So, who will be the survivors 5 years out worldwide?

Those who don't get coronavirus and those who don't starve to death from decreasing supply chains worldwide caused by too many deaths in a short period of time or constantly increasing deaths where people are living or working worldwide.

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