Sunday, June 7, 2020

What is really going on here on earth with Coronavirus?

What I mean by this is what are governments and the powers that being doing regarding all this? In other words "I don't think Coronavirus is actually the whole story". It might be part of the actual story but I don't think we are being given any useful information at all regarding all this here on earth.

I used to think coronavirus was just a way to thin out the human race by killing 2% of the people but I'm seeing now that it's not that simple. Because look at all the businesses going bankrupt worldwide now.

So, it might just be the 2% dying but then you have 47% of Americans that cannot afford enough food because they no longer have a job and might not. What happens when unemployment compensation runs out and there still aren't jobs? (Worldwide).

What happens then?

So, something else entirely is going on beyond coronavirus, of that I am sure.

For example, one reason the black lives matter is going on is that Black unemployment is at least at 16% and likely soon will be 20% or more. It isn't just about George Floyd but about Black survival when they are dying at a 2.6 times the rate of white people from coronavirus. And I believe Native Americans are dying at a rate even beyond that because of multiple generations living in the same house often without running water or power on the reservations across the U.S.

So, often at most they might have a solar powered radio and that's all and sometimes not even that for learning to be informed about things like coronavirus.

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