Friday, July 10, 2020

Often what you are taught in college interferes with your physical survival

What do I mean by this?

College teaches you often to get very wound up in various different ideas. And if you are so wound up you cannot calm down and slow down enough to get your instincts and intuition in gear then often this will cost you your life or you will get maimed (physically or emotionally for life).

So, being able to slow down at least once daily through meditation and contemplation or all the time like I do by meditating 24 hours a day even when driving a car allows you to stay calm and survive anything you might face in life.

So, on the one hand college develops critical thinking skills and teaches you to ask much better questions from your critical thinking but on the other hand it can lead to your death if you don't take time to slow down at least once a day and meditate, Pray, contemplate and listen deeply within to God and to your body and what they both have to say to you regarding your physical, mental and spiritual survival long term.

And if you don't believe in God listen to Nature and your body because without them you are all dead before your time.

By God's Grace

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