Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Traveling during the Coronavirus is a little scary but doable

I think the main reason to at least attempt travel is your sanity after "sheltering in place" for months since February or March.

But, here's the thing. You and whoever you are traveling with sort of have to agree how you are going to do this because otherwise whatever safety measures you put in place could be defeated by whoever you are traveling with (including yourself).

I had an interesting talk with my mid 20s daughter yesterday where she was telling me to wear in some instances 2 masks at the same time to protect myself. She is worried because I'm 72 and her mother is mid 60s. I was trying to tell her her ideas were not practical in the real world.

For example, on this trip to Mt. Shasta I didn't want to go inside any public place anywhere. And I succeeded in this for a few days until my son arrived from Portland. Likely because I was excited in seeing my son that I hadn't seen since Christmas I had to go number 2 so I was very upset about breaking one of my traveling rules which is "Never use a public Toilet". But, I had to break this rule which upset me even more because I knew my wife might yell at me.

Yesterday when my mid 20s daughter was lecturing me on the fact that I had to wear 2 masks (one over the other in some situations, I just said to her "That isn't practical" but she didn't want to hear that. I guess she didn't realize that I hadn't gone into any public rooms in any building (at least willingly) except a public bathroom in a hotel.

Though you make really strict rules to stay alive while traveling, the most important one you make (if you are over 40 or 50) is likely not staying in Any Hotels.

This can create many problems like it has for my wife and I to the point where we are considering buying a Bambi Airstream Trailer to solve this problem by next summer. We used to own a motor home but then you have the problem of not having something smaller than a motor home to drive around in. Then if your vehicle you are towing is an all wheel drive like we have and it is an automatic transmission you cannot tow that behind a motorhome unless it is fully trailered like you can a 2 wheel drive automatic. But, even with a 2 wheel automatic you have to trailer the front two wheels if it is a automatic transmission. But it has to be a 2 wheel drive front wheel drive to do this otherwise if it is a 2 wheel drive rear wheel automatic you have to fully trailer all 4 wheels of it.

The only vehicles you can easily tow without some type of trailer are stick shifts that are two wheel drive front or rear or 4 wheel drive stick shifts.

There might be exceptions but only stick shifts where you can put your car or truck in neutral

and take off the emergency brake are useful to tow with a motor home with only a tow bar.

The second most important rule likely is you will not eat inside in any restaurant or bar here in the U.S. while traveling.

Another good rule is that you only travel to places with low incidents of coronavirus cases.

Luckily, Mt. Shasta is such a place but it is also true that because of tourists the cases are doubling every week but still aren't that bad yet.

So, when you travel you are taking your life in your hands so plan accordingly but also realize you might have to change some of your plans in emergencies like I had to with the Hotel bathroom.

Then bring several masks that you can wear alternately, especially when it is soaking in the bathroom sink of a friend guest room or in your sink in your motor home or trailer. Or I suppose you can be okay with a tent camping as you go too. But, then be careful of drunk or drugged fellow campers with bad coronavirus boundaries especially at night.

So, yes it's a risk to travel but if you want your sanity and you plan accordingly it is definitely worth it.

My son driving south from Portland said he was so grateful he came even though he and his wife were freaked out about doing it. It helped him and his wife and son so much to see us and go into nature and heal from all the problems of the world that are caused by the coronavirus.

So, happy healing! and Happy Travels! Just make a good safe plan first.

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