Wednesday, July 8, 2020

What is a Zombie Siberian Tundra Fire?

A Zombie fire is one that goes underground through the peat or Tundra and burns underground even through the coldest ice covered winter and then comes up above ground in the spring and summer and keeps right on burning year after year.

There right now are hundreds of zombie fires rekindling above ground because of the 100 degree temperatures in Siberia in late June of 2020 in addition to the ones caused by lightning strikes as well as those caused by people having fire accidents for one reason or another in this area of the world.

So, presently there are thousands of fires and a good percentage of them will become "Zombie" fires and keep going underground following root systems and peat all winter long year after year from now on until something new happens we cannot foresee yet.

Peat has been cut into pieces and used to heat homes for likely thousands of years so far. So, understanding that Tundra is frozen peat in many cases you better understand what a zombie fire is long term.

What is Peat?

  1. a brown deposit resembling soil, formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter in the wet acidic conditions of bogs and fens, and often cut out and dried for use as fuel and in gardening.
    "cuttings are rooted in a homemade mixture of equal parts peat and sand"
    • a cut piece of peat.
      plural noun: peats
      "he reached forward to add a couple of peats to the fire"

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