Monday, July 13, 2020

why will 10 people die of starvation for every one that dies of coronavirus worldwide?

Let's take a serious look at this even here in our country. A father (aged 30 to 70 plus) gets coronavirus and dies. The mother has never worked in her life. What happens to her and the children especially if they were already living hand to mouth? Now multiply this by millions and millions of cases like this worldwide.

Does the mother survive to raise the kids?
Do the kids get put into brothels in order to stay alive?
Do any of the family live worldwide after the bread winner dies?

Multiply this scenario by millions and possibly billions over the next decade.

How many people die directly and indirectly for each person that dies of coronavirus?

I would say for every one that dies of coronavirus 10 will die of starvation, suicide, lack of money to live or have a place to live, slave trade etc.

This is what the world actually is facing right now to a greater or lesser degree in all countries on earth. It hasn't been like this at least since the 1918 Pandemic that killed 50 million worldwide 102 years ago.

So, what I'm actually telling you here is that the real toll of the 1918 pandemic was likely 10 times (within 10 years) of the 50 million figure or 500 million deaths indirectly from the pandemic.

The same is true of this one which I believe is already worse than the 1918 one for various reasons worldwide including the fact that this one is being used for ethnic cleansing of people like the indigenous tribes in the Amazon by the president of Brazil  and the Uighurs in China by the Chinese Government. But, this is happening to many many groups around the world right now.

Ethnic Cleansing by coronavirus. Millions are dying right now of this worldwide. But, the fullness of this likely will never be reported in the news (at least not right now).

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