Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I you are observing: It is the countries who have women leaders where people are NOT dying of coronavirus

Two easy examples are Germany and New Zealand (although there are several others).Why is this?

I think it is relatively simple in that women have been the healers of the family down through history. They keep their men and children alive. So, it is traditional around the world for women to be involved in healing. Men have been traditionally involved more in decision making and defense which is another skill set entirely.

Keeping people alive so they don't die has always been a more female role in societies for thousands of years.

It's sort of like the East Indian Saying when Women get married: "May you have 9 sons and the 10th be your husband".

Even though this saying from todays point of view would be sexist, it sees men and boys as all like children who need to be taken care of.

Even in my own case I can tell you quite frankly that if it weren't for my wife I would have died at 50 from my heart virus then. And I have so far lived to be 72.

By God's Grace

So, Do male leaders tend to be murderers of their people around the world?

I think it depends upon the leader but generally I would say now this is true especially regarding populist leaders.

Populist leaders are definitely killing their people all over the world like Trump.

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