Thursday, September 3, 2020

Eviction might be a Death Sentence in the era of Coronavirus

Because this is true I was thinking of ways to stay in your apartment or house.

If you have enough unemployment insurance to just pay your rent and that's all, nothing else.

Then you might stay in your apartment if you just leave your water utility on and shut off your electricity and gas.

You might say, "How am I going to cook and stay warm or air condition?

I think staying in your home might be more important than worrying about heating or air conditioning at this point.

Cooking can be done on your porch or back yard with a Coleman dual fuel camp stove inexpensively without an electricity or gas connection. 

Here's the info here:

Then you go to your local food bank and let them give you food to eat.

So, as long as you can collect unemployment insurance enough to cover your rent and that's all, you can stay in your apartment or house leaving only you water utility on and turn off your electricity and gas and still survive there.

Because being evicted now might be a death sentence for your whole family worldwide.

In other countries starvation is a much bigger problem but here we still have soup kitchens and food banks to provide you with food.

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