Thursday, September 3, 2020

Normally, Numbed by the News

If you have noticed I have been really angry lately and I wasn't able to quite figure out why. My wife put it this way: "Fred, you haven't watched the news on TV at all for a month and you just cannot deal with it in a normal way watching it when you got back from Mt. Shasta".

She's absolutely right. My normal calm demeanor went away when I went from the Mountains with no TV and 90s temperatures which make and old body like mine feel young again back to by the northern California ocean which is much colder (like 20 or 30 degrees colder lately) where I feel 100 years old from the colder weather during the summer. So, the combination makes me angry so I would like to apologize to all of you for being so angry. It's not that I and you don't deserve to be angry about over 500,000 of us being killed by Trump's incompetence but staying calm and rational is likely the only way we can vote him out of office in the end this November 2020.

IF we don't somehow get him out of office it's our own fault and then we can expect the U.S. to be something like Nazi Germany was in the 1930s and 1940s before Hitler was killed.

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