Saturday, September 5, 2020

What is good about these times?

Descartes, the French Philosopher once said, "There is nothing so good that no bad may come of it and there is nothing so bad that no good may come of it."

Coronavirus is many things. Like pandemics before it thins out the human race. Without all the pandemics mankind likely could have gone extinct from overpopulation or war thousands of years ago. In a way pandemics also prevent wars down through time because overpopulation often stresses an environment to where less people can survive which causes them to fight each other for food which often causes a war or something like this. 

A good example, of something like this was the French Revolution soon after the American revolution. But, the French revolution mostly just guillotined the upper classes that didn't escape to England or Italy or Germany or other countries to avoid being guillotined.

But, what caused the French revolution really?

The Icelandic Volcanoes and the dust and smoke prevented French farmers from growing enough food for the masses so only the rich got fed. The poor who were not fed eventually revolted and killed the Aristocracy because they were not being fed. So, sometimes the tipping point is something different than people expect.

A pandemic in it's affect on mankind is similar to a war or an eruption of a volcano preventing people being able to eat and disrupting people's lives in various ways around the world.

Then we can take this to an individual level and if you have enough resources to eat and to live comfortably without working too much you can evolved spiritually and intellectually in all ways to become more enlightened and therefore more useful to mankind on into the future.

If you are an artist you can paint. If you are a musician you can write music. If you are an author you can write books or if you have the time you can read the books you always wanted to read but couldn't before now.

Now is a time for contemplation. Now is a time for love. Now is a time for development of your faculties. Now is a time for having deep realizations about life.

On the other hand, many people are going to die so you have to figure out how not to be one of them while developing into someone better than you have ever been before in your life.

By God's Grace


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