Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Why a flu shot will be a life saver this year more than most?

Because you don't want to die of a flu and coronavirus at the same time. Is this even possible? YES.

Unfortunately, you can have both at the same time.

So, if you are older than 40 or 50 this year getting a flu shot might save your life and the life of everyone your age or older. If you are 39 or younger you might just want to have a flu shot this year too to lessen your chances of dying as well.

Even if the flu shot this year is only 40% to 70% effective against the flus this year it is still 40% to 70% more likely you will live through this coming year. And then next year this time get a flu shot too because the coronavirus likely will start dying out by March of 2022 two years after last March sort of like the 1918 Spanish Flu died out by 1920 two years after it arrived after killing 675,000 Americans and 50 million worldwide then.

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