Friday, January 8, 2021

Biden and Harris will help the Middle Class and poor survive these times

Whereas Trump's actions are killing everyone especially his supporters who rioted and breached the Capitol. He told them he would be there with them in the Capitol and then lied and went to watch them on TV at the White House.

Whereas Biden and Harris are "The People's Leaders" in that they will of necessity now be like FDR and Truman likely because our country is in distress now much like during the Great Depression simply because if you work for a restaurant or in entertainment you might not have a job now nationwide. There are thousands and thousands of Restaurants and entertainment venues which means that almost 1/2 of America now is partly or completely unemployed in these jobs.

How will Biden and Harris help keep Americans alive? First of all by making the vaccine roll out work to all who wish to be vaccinated. They won't be able to force anyone to be vaccinated but they can prevent anyone traveling on planes if they are not vaccinated who doesn't have a vaccination card.

They can help stimulate the economy now that the Democrats have both Houses of Congress too.

The rich are going to survive these times just because they are rich and can find ways to work from home if they have to work at all. 

The poor and middle Class to some degree will keep on dying simply because they might not be able to work from home or hire people to bring food to them at home. So, those exposed to many other people might not survive these times still, especially those over 40 years of age. Biden and Harris can work to vaccinate more people sooner than Trump which will allow more people over 40 to survive the coronavirus if they are exposed to it. 

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