Saturday, January 2, 2021

How do you relate to Tutelary Dieties when you are Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist and also shamanic?

What does this even mean?

I tend to be a very ecumenical Mystical Christian that has added more spiritual experiences according to the mystical Christian idea of "God is where you find Him (Her, the Being)".

So, as I have moved through life I started with two parents who were mystical Christian. My father was a mystical Christian minister and so was my mother, especially between my ages 6 and 12 years old which are ones formative years (zero to 12). So, one of the main points that they made to me was: "What you put your attention upon you become".

This is one of the most powerful statements I have ever been taught or discovered in my whole life. Because what you put your attention on decides whether you are sane or insane or whether you die young or old to a greater or lesser degree for each person on earth.

Then when I added Tibetan Buddhism and Native American Shamanism to this life got even more interesting.

Both in Tibetan Buddhism and in Native American Shamanism there was a place for people who are as gifted as I am. Christian religions are more about money whereas Tibetan Buddhism and Native American Shamanism are mostly about staying alive and sane.

So, if you were to choose between money and staying alive and sane I personally would rather be alive and sane rather than be rich and crazy and die young.

I wasn't even interested in wealth until I started to approach 40 before I asked God to make me a custodian of his wealth. And even then I didn't fully understand what wealth was from God's perspective. Wealth to God is all his creation, all his children in people and in animals and in nature and in planets and stars and whole Galaxies that he has created.

So, wealth to God isn't about money at all. It might be better to say that money is mostly about power of a material kind which from a spiritual point of view can easily become "False Power" and very corrupting for an individual in this world.

This was why I wasn't interested in wealth until I approached about 40 and then I asked God to make me a custodian of his wealth because I realized I was responsible enough to be put in this position and he did.

So Now, I am a custodian of God's Wealth but what he has taught me truly is that I had no idea what God's wealth really was at the time. After all this was about 30 years ago now that I asked to become a custodian of God's Wealth.

My relationship with God is to surround myself with angels which causes me to live in heaven while still on earth. A lady in my church who recently passed away in her 90s brought the angels into the physical for me one day and I realized I didn't have to kill myself to be with God when I was about 21. I realized that I could live in heaven right here on earth with angels instead. So, that is what I have done ever since.

I see the Archangels nearest to me interspersed  with all the rest of God's angels in a circle around me all the time since then. And more and more of them gather around me and also fly through me from heaven realms because I am a portal for angels coming to earth as God wished me to be. That appears to be one of the main reasons for me to be alive in a human body here on earth because I seem to be actually capable of this.

However, it wasn't easy until I got to be about 30 years old and started to figure all this out in fullness.

Tutelary Dieties means to me "Teaching Dieties" Archangels and Angels and the closest ones to me advise me constantly what to do, where to go, what to say and how to always be in the right place at the exact right time like Jesus and Buddha always were which created their long lasting religions here on earth and relative peace here on earth ongoing

By God's Grace

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