Thursday, January 7, 2021

If you are young and this is your first crisis of coronavirus and Trump

I have been here 72 years and have survived whooping Cough, Blunt trauma childhood epilepsy, the Cuban Missile Crisis (when the world almost blew up in nukes) the Bay of Pigs, the Kennedys being assassinated, Martin Luther King Assassination, Viet nam War, Gulf War, Korean War (I was around 2 to 4 years old then), the Cold War (1945 until around 1990) where 100 million people died in this war. The Iraq War, the Afghanistan War, and I survived Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, first Bush, Clinton, 2nd Bush, Obama, and now Trump.

That's a lot of stuff to survive. But, I must say that the Coronavirus deaths (mostly caused by Trump's incompetence) and Trump himself are scarier than anything I have ever seen before 2017.

So, mostly it's about enduring and waking up each day and finding some way to go forward. For me, if I go outside and look at the trees or ocean or mountains it helps a lot to start my day on a good note each day I can do this.

But, I think we never want another crazy billionaire as president that can afford to have members of Congress Blackmailed or their families killed like we have with Trump. 

The point of all this is that how you survive all this is get away from people who might cause your death or maiming and don't work for them either and don't join the military unless you are an officer where you have more control of your life so you won't be treated like a slave.

If you are captain of your own ship then you can be master of your own destiny worldwide. If you do this and don't give other people power over you then you can survive "To 105" like in the Sinatra Song.

And if you should survive to 105, Look at all you'll derive out of being alive! And here is the best part, you have a head start. If you are ...

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