Saturday, January 2, 2021

Only the real grownups and those they care for are likely to make it through these times alive

I have found most of my life that most people in adult bodies are actually children pretending to be adults. It's a great act. One of the most childish scary people I have known about is Trump who reminds me almost exactly of Hitler psychologically.

But, when you are a child you are in danger of dying especially if you demand to be taken seriously like an adult when you are not one.

We are presently "These are the times that Try men's souls" (or everyone's souls) sort of like World war II and the Great Depression and 9-11, and the Kennedy assassination and the Viet Nam War and the Cuban missile Crisis where we all almost became nuked crispy critters.

But, if you aren't a real adult now or don't have a real adult taking care of you you might not be around 5 years from now the way all this is presently going. 

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