Tuesday, January 19, 2021

People survive by taking an interest in their survival

So, if you aren't taking an interest in your survival (or someone else isn't taking an interest in your survival) then you might not be around very long at this point.

When I took a survival course put on by Air Force Veterans for pilots in the early 1980s in Idaho they brought a plane fuselage for demonstration of what people needed to think about to survive a plane crash in Idaho then at Two Ravens.

They said that "People who take an interest in their survival tend to survive but people who freak out and start spinning in their minds with "Why did the plane crash?" "Why am I here?" "Why did this happen to me?"

Questions like this people spin out and die. Instead, one should think about: Where's the water? Where's the food? Where can I get food? Where are clothes appropriate to this situation? How can I survive this situation? Where can I go to get help?

This last group of questions are the questions you need to be asking in a survival situation.

I would say: The whole World is going through this right now. Where is my business? Where is my job? Where is money to live? How can I survive this?

All these are useful questions too if they apply to you.

The world doesn't now have the luxury (most people don't of spinning) If you are spinning you need to be asking different questions. You need to have a pattern in your life that helps you stay sane through this World Survival Situation.

This is what is going on now This is a Whole World Wide World Survival Situation. To not see this and to be in denial of this is to potentially die in this pandemic. It is also a demonstration of your being in denial or having Coronavirus or other kinds of PTSD if you are spinning too.

So, stay focused on surviving all this or you won't.

By God's Grace 

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