Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Internet has made it harder to separate reality from Fiction

Crazy people create mobs and insurrections that crash into the Captitols of Earth like happened yesterday.

However, Russian media outlets who masquerade as QANON outlets were behind the mobs and behind Trump who asked them to go into the Capitol yesterday.

I'm not sure what Russia has on Trump other than film of him ordering prostitutes to pee all over a bed Barach Obama and his Wife Slept on in Russia. But, video of Trump doing this could be enough to make him act this way. Or is it the millions of dollars in loans that Putin authorized that Deutsche Bank gave to Trump during and after he was inaugurated in 2017?

Either way, the Internet has made it more difficult to separate fact from fiction by likely a factor of 100 to my way of thinking.

For example, if you take 12 witnesses to ANY event that happens, if you allow them to talk to each other they will come upon a view of reality somewhat similar to each other.

However, if you separate them after the event and question them separately you will often get 12 greatly different points of view regarding anything that has happened.

This problem also is what happens on the Internet as well is sort of like this. Now imagine some QAnon person has gotten drunk the night before or taken hallucinogenics and believed what they were experiencing and then writes something on the Internet. You have no idea that this person is taking drugs like Alcohol which is a downer Barbiturate which affects one in all sorts of ways or whatever other drugs that person is taking or whether that person just got out of a mental institution or just killed someone or is even a serial killer. So, this is the problem of QANON right there. Crazies multiply crazy stories into insanity and then there is Trump also in this kind of place. Strangely enough Carrie Fisher said that she knew for sure that Trump was heavy into Cocaine still (likely because she had done coke with him because that was one of her drugs of choice too).

So, if Trump is a midnight Cokehead doing coke between midnight and 6 am because of insomnia then you realize why Trump is crazy too. Because he is on drugs too besides Dexamethasone which messed him up from trying to survive Coronavirus (which he did) but now is also crazy from that.

So, why was Carrie Fisher and her mother (Killed) by Trump within a few days of each other?

Likely because they both knew Trump was a coke head and Trump's people had to put down their knowledge by killing them both.

Note: I generally don't drink alcohol at all beyond a few sips of wine every month or so if friends or relatives are visiting or we are visiting them. And I haven't done any  Drugs since about 1969 when I was in college. 

So, it's true I take prescription medicines but then again I'm 72 and likely wouldn't be alive still if I didn't and I do have a pacemaker or else I wouldn't be alive either now. People who would have died by 50 or 70 often live to 90 or 100 now with pacemakers by the way. This is just life in the U.S. on Medicare over 65 years of age.


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