Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The primary tenant of New Age Thought likely would be: "One with God is a majority"

 Because New Age thought is so diverse this one statement likely would bind most New Agers together. Although even then if you are Buddhist and don't believe in God directly because of this the concept of God might not be a positive one.

Though this would be confusing to most Christians this is what SOME Buddhists believe. 

They believe that people can evolve and become Gods but then Gods tend to use up their good karma and then fall into Hell.

Whereas Buddhists often believe that becoming a Buddha is more useful to remove oneself from the "Wheel of Rebirth".

So, Good karma is seen by those who become Gods as like a Bank Account but then they spend all their good karma and then fall into hell which is what many of us have seen many Christians do in their lives by not thinking about the needs of others.

So, the point of becoming a Buddha is to be responsible not only for your own enlightenment but to help all beings become enlightened too so no one has to go to hell (hopefully). However, Buddhism is also a very practical down to earth practice and not a "pie in the sky" practice. So, there is a basic practicality of something they call "Right mindful Compassion".

In other words they want you to think of the most practical compassionate way to raise all beings (every living thing in the universe) into enlightenment and permanent happiness.

By God's Grace

Note: 25% of all Buddhists believe in God like I do.

However, I consider myself to be a Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist.

By God's Grace

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