Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Trial of the chicago 7? Netflix

My wife has a copy of Vanity Fair out in our bedroom and I happened to pick it up this morning because of the cover story of Gal Gadot in the latest "Wonder Woman 84" which you can see at home on HBO Max or in theaters if you want to that just came out. I remember the Trial of the Chicago 7 which were more leftist anti-war people of the 1960s. This is an interesting juxtaposition of the present with Nazis like Trump and his violent White Supremacist Followers causing the deaths of Americans right and left through Coronavirus (using coronavirus to kill minorities in a sequential fashion) and Republicans dying en masse, especially those who can't afford health care.

Learning about the Chicago 7 is interesting because it shows how extreme  those times were in an opposite way than these times. But, what they had in common was a racist crazy rightest president both times in Nixon and Trump who are both Gestapo Nazi like figures of their times.

By the way Nixon was the first president I ever voted for in 1968 when I was 20 until I realized he was also a mentally ill criminal like Trump. But, Trump is 100 times worse than Nixon in this because at least Nixon was a patriot whereas Trump is just self centered and selfish and doesn't care about what happens to the U.S. or its people at all. I was raised a conservative Libertarian Republican by my father and grandfather but Nixon permanently ended my relationship with the Republican party. 

However, I still have many Libertarian values still like self reliance that were the values of the founding fathers of this country that were based upon opportunity and self reliance because in the beginning (1776) if you didn't take care of yourself and your family then everyone died, often horribly.

There are always many Republican and Democratic Libertarians because being a Libertarian isn't limited to party, it's more a self reliant philosophy of life of taking care of yourself and your family no matter what. But, after Nixon I would describe myself as an Independent more than anything else. This allows me to see how both Republicans and Democrats tend to fail big time each in their own ways.

So now, I vote for my Republic in a Democracy and I think about what will keep my country alive and healthy for hundreds or thousands of years into the future and it is never about any one politician, it's about all of us ongoing for thousands of years into the future.

NOTE: The Trial of the Chicago 7 is now on Netflix by the way.

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