Saturday, January 2, 2021

We need the rain

The night as I left Mt. Shasta it snowed for about 6 hours so it was beautiful when I woke up the next morning getting ready to return to the Greater SF Bay area on the coast where I live.

Today I woke up to more rain on the coast. We really need the rain I think we only have had at most 1/2 inch of rain since last May which is indicative of the La Nina year we are in which is the opposite of an El Nino year where houses often are washed off of cliffs up and down California and into the ocean along the coast.

So, we need all the rain and snow we can now get between now and May which is usually the end of our Rainy season until at least September or October at the earliest. And like I said there was no rain to speak of from May until late December this rainy season  at all. 

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