Saturday, January 16, 2021

What if you tell people the truth and no one believes you?

 This actually is pretty normal if you are gifted in any real way. For example, I told the most people I ever had before about the Loma Prieta Earthquake coming. What was the problem with this? This happened in Fall of 1989.

Well. One of my wife's and my best friends had a home in Piedmont worth more than 1 million dollars and it was torn completely in half by the earthquake after I had told this person the earthquake was coming.

So, this freaked her out so bad she didn't want to see me or talk to me anymore because I told her it was coming and it completely destroyed her home.

So, telling people stuff when they don't believe you?

Sometimes you have the obligation to tell people the truth so they don't die and sometimes it's better to say nothing in real life. So, when I knew an even bigger earthquake was coming in December of 2004 I didn't tell ANYONE outside of my family about it. I'm not even sure I put this info on my blog at Geocities then.

But, then again Geocities was bought by Yahoo within a few years and now it's completely gone. This is why I bought my site at yahoo business because my free site disappeared. But, this intuitivefred888 site is also a free one too. the dragonofcompassion one has most of my longer writings in it. often there are copies of most of my stuff here too but sometimes it's harder to find here because of the way this site works.

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