Thursday, January 21, 2021

Yesterday was an answer to the prayers of the whole world

So, the formal beginning of the 5 timeline I would say was yesterday. To be fair here, it's going to take 50 years to overcome all the problems that the Trump administration created for the world. However, their ONE success was to prevent human extinction in 2095 by causing this death and mayhem worldwide in as equitable way as possible. For every death during the last 4 years of the Trump administration 10 births have been prevented on into the future. When I was first given this information I just couldn't really believe it and had to actually soul travel forward in time to see if this was true and it is. However, it is also true that timelines could alter in various ways by the actions of world leaders or individuals or alien influence during the next 50 years too and probably will.

However, given all present variables of what has happened up until now human extinction does no longer happen in 2095 like it would on the 2nd timeline where Hillary Clinton was president during the last 4 years. the 3rd timeline was when Trump was inaugurated and the 4th timeline was begun by accident by Putin with the Cyber war he started worldwide last year around this time. 

So now, the 5th timeline which allows the human race to live until around 2150 or 2160 has begun yesterday "FORMALLY" with the inauguration of Biden and Harris.

Let's all pray for them and wish them well from around the world. Because all of our survival in the near and far future depends entirely upon their success in the formal beginning of the 5th timeline yesterday.

By God's Grace

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