Monday, March 22, 2021

What did the last 50 years of Soul Travel Teach me?

It taught me that we are already everywhere in Time and Space. It taught me that the universe is Inside God's mind and not a physical thing like we think at all.

IF it was actually physical I should not be able to do what I do at all. So, this proves to me that we are figments of the imagination of God and therefore should be perceived as God's Children which is likely the best way to think about all this. He appears fairly attached to all of us because we keep him from being alone. So, we are his family and his children therefore.

What are religions?

Religions are a way that humans have devised to stay alive when relatives and friends die unexpectedly or expectedly.

It is a way to join together to stay alive in groups of families and cities and countries and nations.

However, religions might have nothing at all to do with the actual truth other than being fairy tales that we all repeat to each other all the time. Sort of like if everyone believed in Disneyland or Disney world as a religion. It's something that might comfort us but might not resemble the truth at all.

But, some humans might need this sort of thing to stay alive because for one reason or another they are not brave enough to seek out the actual truth of everything more like a scientist. 

IF it is a choice between staying alive or dying many people will choose to live in a fairy tale in order to stay alive.

This is understandable when someone is logical and rational about all this.

So, the question becomes: "What do you need to believe to stay alive in a body here on earth?"

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