Friday, May 28, 2021

An interesting perspective

 The lady said to me: "I don't want to be experimented upon," in regard to getting vaccinated. It's true even I have said I would much prefer not to feel i have to get vaccinated to stay alive. However, at 73 years of age there didn't seem to be another useful choice if I wanted a chance to see 2030 in actuality.

As I look at the world around me there are places like SF General hospital with zero covid patients and then there are places like India and Malaysia where the number of deaths is likely much more than World War II for those nations which is likely saying something.

Even here in the U.S. we had lost more people from coronavirus under Trump than soldiers in World War II by last Fall of 2020. And now we are likely almost double that.

But, this lady was saying to me that she has done the research and that she was suspicious of her findings in that she wanted to still possibly have children and that is one of the potential difficulties of getting vaccinated.

Do I believe this? Not necessarily because I have found no real evidence yet that this is true. However, I respect her right to protect herself from not being able to have children.

The other interesting thing she said was it was like getting an MRNA vaccine was sort of like turning human beings into Genetically modified organisms. You know how people shouldn't eat GMO foods?

Well, vaccinated people are turning into their own form of genetically modified organisms through the vaccine. 

I actually agree with her regarding this factor. Because this part is true likely because viruses genetically modify people's dna to something new to begin with. So, her point of view was that UFOS brought viruses to the earth she thought because they might not have existed on earth before.

I have no way to know whether this is true or not but it's an interesting idea to do more research on. So, I'm wondering if viruses originated from off planet.

maybe it's sort of like how Native North and South America Indians when Columbus arrived had never been exposed to plagues or pandemics before because they had never lived in big cities and instead were spread out in smaller groupings of people so sanitation was less of a problem when small groups defecated in rivers which then swept their waste to the sea and was likely eaten by other animals and fish on the way there. This kept their encampments clean because people were not defecating among each other like people did in big cities around the world which created plagues and pandemics. Overpopulation tends to create plagues and pandemics like we are dealing with now too as well as mass extinctions of animals and plants on earth that is now taking place too at an extreme rate now worldwide.

There is another factor that does concern me though. 

And that is that people who are vaccinated could in their bodies be starting new Variants of Coronavirus over time that could be worse than anything we have seen before.

For example, this lady was telling me that people vaccinated might endanger people around them for the first month from the day of the first vaccine until around 30 days later because of the virus sloughing off from them during this period as their body builds immunity.

I guess it could be sort of like how I had never had a polio shot as a child because my parents didn't believe in vaccines as I was growing up. However, then when I was 37 I wanted to go to India, Nepal, Thailand and Japan which I did for around 4 months with my family. But, here's the problem: I was told when I returned to the U.S. that the polio shot I received in order to go on this trip could have made anyone who dealt with my poop (like shoveling in Indian Outhouses) out in the country could have gotten polio from dealing with my excrement which really made me angry that no one had told me this before I left for Asia. Because I didn't want to be a part of anyone's illness from polio or deaths.

So, like that, getting vaccinated could possibly endanger unvaccinated people you are nearby who you are around during the first month after the first vaccine until you are fully immunized.

There are just so many unknowns with this virus that trying to come out of the coronavirus appears to have many more booby traps for people than the way it has been up to getting vaccinated.

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