Friday, May 28, 2021

Links to most read articles as of May 28th 2021 Friday


The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article


reprint of: Drones very small to large Larry Tesler: The Law of Conservation of Complexity


This is one reason why I don't usually trust software when used in planes or Cars or Trucks or buses by the way:


The Law of Complexity can only get worse for each new generation of computer programmers. Why?


A day of shopping in Los Angeles, 1960.


Why a Grand Plan to Vaccinate the World Against Covid Unraveled


Can Covid-19 vaccines stop the 'double mutant' variant? Here's what early research shows.


Why Iceland's newest volcano is so unique


COVID-19 vaccine boosters might be needed before the year's end


Religions remind me more of the Governments of nations more than anything else


Chevron investors back proposal for more emissions cuts


What do I think about religion in general?


SF General in San Francisco: Zero Covid patients


It is kind to stay alive so your kids can have a future


Texas is somewhat of a Red state: Therefore the likelihood is that the Indian Variant (2 days ago) in Houston likely will hit Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama next: Why?


China has State Capitalism and so doesn't have free market Capitalism


Which is harder? Going into the Coronavirus era or coming out of it?


Greene’s Holocaust Comparisons Cause New Headaches for GOP: NYTimes


Malaysia now has more Covid cases per million people than India


Why Kenya is trying to count every single animal


Belarus Highjacking by Belarus Government of RyanAir plane


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