Saturday, May 29, 2021

Why do Misogynistic men hate women?

 I think it has to do with not understanding women. I even went through a stage where I didn't understand women either about up to age 21. So, my idea was to build a female robot companion starting around age 15 or 16 years of age when I thought like this. But, eventually I realized women the way they were were not at all like men.

I think this is where misogyny comes from in men that women are not like men and so because they are different it plagues men's minds in various ways, especially lesser evolved men who are not gentlemen.

Luckily, I was trained growing up to become a gentleman and this was my saving grace in regard to women. As a result of this training all the women I knew of any age always loved me because I was always polite and gentlemanly. However, it is a discipline like any other to be a gentleman and it is not easy either.

So, in public I would be a gentleman and often in private I would be pretty extreme at times too. But, in public I was always a gentleman like I was trained to be so people would like me and even love me. But, you also have to be a totally free being which I found I could be in the wilderness and be often wild and free too. So, it's always a balance.

Long about age 21 after several girlfriends starting at age 15 I began to see :Viva la Difference! which is French for "Hooray! for the difference between men and women".

So, from about 21 or 22 onward I rejoiced in the differences between men and women. But, remember I was trained to be a gentleman first which also allowed me to get along with women too well always also.

But, the realization in my early 20s of just how wonderful all women actually were and what assholes most men were was when I came to the conclusion that women were always superior to men in many different ways. We were the protectors of the women and children but this also made us assholes too along the way. But, the really amazing beings were the women who raised the children anyway.

Life is often harsh and often men face that harshness directly and it destroys them quickly or slowly. Women face the harshness often in a different way than men do. But nowadays you find that women are dying of the same ailments as men because they have often taken on the full harshness of life and now have the same problems as men always have had along the way.

So now, are men and women both Assholes?


But, most of what I have written about is my formative years which would be the 1960s and 1970s because I was 12 in 1960 and 21 in 1969. So, this is a long time ago now.

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