Monday, May 24, 2021

Religions remind me more of the Governments of nations more than anything else

Why do governments exist? Pretty much the same reason why Religions exist. People seem to need governments and religions to stay sane enough to function as cultures. IN fact, if you look at cultures you sort of need to look at those cultures through the religions that were present in those cultures in order to make full sense of those cultures.

But, God has absolutely NOTHING to do with RELIGIONS just like God might have nothing to do with Governments either.

I see God as a personal experience each person has with all LIFE in the universe and is not a part of any religion really at all.

It's sort of like trying to make your parents be your religion and have other people in control of your parents to do this.

It just doesn't work at all.

So, God is separate from any religions just because religions are created by men and not God.

God is beyond any and all religions.

I'm sure there are atheists who don't believe in Christianity, for example, who still believe in God just not in Christianity. And in other cultures it is the same for their religions too.

So, forcing religions upon people can harm their personal relationships with God and sometimes just turns them into Atheists or Agnostics because when someone is FORCED to believe anything often people are just going to rebel and go their own way.

People should believe what they believe because their own life experiences confirm these beliefs. Otherwise, being a human being can only be considered to be a bad joke and that's all and leads everyone to suicide in desperation.

One's experience of God must be personal in order to stay alive through the worst times in life.

Otherwise, Why be alive at all?

By God's Grace 

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