Saturday, May 22, 2021

This is one reason why I don't usually trust software when used in planes or Cars or Trucks or buses by the way:

because what they are saying here is completely true almost no matter the application.

My easiest example almost anyone can check would be something like Google Translate where what you get out of the translation is never exactly what you want. This is the most dazzling example I can give you of the types of complexities one deals with in pretty much all applications ongoing. This is why Truck, Car and plane software is only going to kill people over time more and more because of this "Law of complexity". The only way to avoid something like this is where you take the software and teach it like a child through direct experience and thereby eliminate some of the problems of this complexity maybe. Without direct experience to guide the software it is ONLY going to kill and harm more and more people over time if put into decisions regarding life and death of people or animals or other life forms. Even teaching the software directly will have shortcomings by the way. So, do I want a computer software program to drive my car for me. no!

People who have never been programmers likely wouldn't understand this perspective necessarily.

Begin partial quote from:
Original Formulation (ca. 1984)
“Every application has an inherent amount of irreducible complexity. The only question is: Who will have to deal with it—the user, the application developer, or the platform developer?”
Perspectives on The Law
For a detailed discussion, see Dan Saffer's interview.
Other perspectives:
  1. Bullet    “In this case, the complexity of managing the translation of object references [when moving the object to/from disk], is moved out of the hands of the programmer and into the hands of the system. The complexity is not eliminated, but rather moved around so that the programmers efforts are focused  on the application problem.” — “Object Databases in Action: Technology and Application” by  Tim Andrews, Chapter 4 of Information Technology in Action: Trends and Perspectives, edited by Richard Y. Wang, pp. 63-82, February 1993.


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