Saturday, May 22, 2021

What do I think about religion in general?

 Here, it's important to say that this is universally true and not just for Christians because I live in a Christian Country.

Religions tend to keep the peace among those of the same religion and cause wars (even nuclear ones) between those of a different belief system.


Religions tend to help groups of the same religion not kill each other while psychologically making those individually in the religion have psychological problems. Why?

Because religions are usually based upon one premise for thousands of years.

What is this premise?

How do you keep people from killing themselves when their relatives die or are killed?

This is the premise religions have always been founded upon no matter what anyone ever tells you.

The 2nd premise religions are founded upon is to scare you into giving the priests and ministers money so they can get rich.

This all sounds pretty cynical and it is. However, if you can't see all this then you are bound to be the victim of one religion or them all and possibly have your life destroyed by one or more of them.


Because there are certain things that people need to see in order for their lives to work at all.

Here are some of the things they need to see to survive in a body on earth.


You need to eat food and drink water or you are going to die.


Sex is like food for humans and properly dealt with leads to sanity and if you don't find some way to deal with sex in a healthy way then it is going to make you crazy.

For example, 

Why do you think Some Republicans believe that pedophiles are running everything except for Trump who has been obviously molesting women all his life and might even go to jail for this?

Because these people have been driven crazy by never masturbating or having sex and so it has poisoned them and driven them insane. So, the natural insane reaction is to see everyone molesting children which is what sex starved people fantasize about the most, especially men.

This is just basic human psychology here folks.

Sex starved people make up the crazy Trumpers who believe everyone is molesting children when they are not.

So, religious people who won't let themselves masturbate or even have sex when it is healthy and  appropriate have been driven mad by this and now they are physically dangerous because they have gone completely off the reservation to insanity and might have to eventually be put down like the invaders of the capital building on January 6th 2021.

So, is religion a good thing or a bad thing?

IT is Both!

It is good in that it can pacify people of the same belief system not to kill other members of their religion while making people crazy in regard to sex in most religions too.

How is it bad?

It is bad in that nuclear wars have and will be created in the conflicts between religions and so far time travel from Eisenhower and the UFOs he bought from aliens has been the only method to retroactively change things back to normal.

Also, it appears to me that Covid-19 which mutates it looks like (so far) forever has been used by the United Nations to thin us all out down to around 1 billion people by 2100 AD.

Because this is the ONLY way found so far to avoid complete human extinction when checking forward through time. 

It is the ONLY relatively fair way to keep some humans alive into the next century after 2100AD.

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