Saturday, July 31, 2021

Teaching yourself not to freak out or panic

 Especially when you are over 40 or 50 you have to learn not to freak out or panic or it can easily be fatal.

So, learning how not to panic might be important in this.

If you take each problem in your life and face them one at a time then you have a better chance of not panicking as you age.

However, if you run away from all your problems every day instead of just facing them one at a time then you might have genuine panic or even death or bankruptcy to face in your life.

I used to run away from my problems more until I was in my mid 20s and try to live in some kind of ideal place until I realized that IF I didn't create the world I wanted to live in no one else would either. So, it takes a little short term suffering to create the world that you might be able to survive in.

It also takes a little logic and reason which I was always good at if I allowed myself to be and not just fantasize about things too much of what I wanted.

You have to take your dreams and create a life you can stand to live.

you might not be able to do exactly what you want all the time but you can create a live you can stand to live without killing yourself if you are self disciplined enough to do this.

So, learning not to panic is mostly about solving each problem in your life as they arise one by one. If you let too many problems build up then your life becomes unmanageable to the point where you are going to be panicking all the time every single day.

So, unless you begin solving your problems one by one by taking an interest in your ongoing survival than eventually you won't survive.

Learning to be efficient in everything you do allows you to actually live to old age and succeed in life and to become enlightened in everything you do eventually.

By God's Grace

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