Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Delta Variant WON'T extinct the human race: But an offshoot of the Delta Could potentially

 This is the problem health care workers worldwide all realize and it keeps them up nights thinking about it.

The Delta Variant is bad. I was talking with my son who has a bachelor's degree in Nursing with honors at a California State university and he was saying how bad it is that we cannot vaccinate everyone in the U.S. and what this means on into the future.

However, it is much much worse than that actually because let's say you forced the vaccination of EVERYONE in the U.S. and Europe.

That still wouldn't solve the problem of the rest of the world creating variants from the unvaccinated as they die from the virus. 

So, even if you forced the vaccinations of EVERYONE in the U.S. and Europe the rest of the unvaccinated world would still create worse variants than the delta or delta plus variant now.

So, how does all this end?

I'm just hoping that there will be a few people left on earth 20 or 30 years from now. I'm thinking around 4 billion will still be left alive in 2050 and maybe we will be down to 1 billion by 2100AD.

Otherwise, we might just all be gone from one of the offshoots of the Delta Virus or another variant.

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