Friday, December 17, 2021

I think through time travel that this pandemic was put in place to prevent a human extinction pandemic later this century

 I have written about this already and the more I see what is coming (like Omicron now) the more I'm convinced this is what has actually happened. 

Because in the end: "It is better that some of us survive this century rather than none of us surviving this century." It is a way for the human race not to go extinct and to continue to live on here on earth in some form. It is also a way to not lose our technology or our religions permanently too. It is also a way to preserve what is best about all cultures and governments on earth as well.

If everyone dies then nothing is left. If most people die then maybe there will be enough people left to preserve what is best about humanity after this century.

Even if you look at this pandemic from a point of view of fairness, you see that those dying are mostly above 45 years of age from Covid. So, there is this fairness issue involved in who is dying. Because the people dying over 45 have already lived much of their lives and those younger than 45 haven't lived that much of their lives yet. So, even in this there is a sort of fairness to who is dying.

It's sort of like drawing straws to see who lives in some ways. Also, the people who will tend to live will also tend to be the smartest and most adaptable and resourceful people who will increase the tendency for survival in our genetic pool worldwide too.

If you have studied Anthropology and what actually allows all species to survive (including humans) then you know what I'm talking about. I was studying Anthropology at UCSC around 1989 by the way so I know something about all this.

 This is a part of "How did we get to Here?" that I began writing I believe early in 2021? There are links to at least 4 chapters of this here if you are interested. The first two are links at the bottom of the page.

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