Monday, March 28, 2022

Lam Rim means "The middle path" or "The middle Way" in Buddhism

 The legend says that what happened when Guatama Buddha became enlightened under the Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya, India that he was meditating and doing Yogi Asanas and fasting when he heard a conversation on a boat or raft as it went down the river next to where he was meditating:

The music Teacher was teaching the student a stringed instrument (maybe a Sitar?) and the teacher said: 

"If the string is too tight it breaks and if it is too loose you cannot make the right sounds."

Buddha thought about this and realized this also was the "Middle Path" of the 8 fold path to end human suffering that he also came up with.

This path reminds me of the Greek saying which is: "Moderation in all things".

Another way to look at this 8 fold path is "Balance".

As I have gone through life I have noticed that when people go to extremes often it either makes them crazy or kills or maims them.

So, the Greek saying of :"Moderation in all things tends to take a person to a longer healthier life".

Because extremes tend to lead often to insanity or death.

So, in Buddhism  "The Middle Path or Middle Way" of Lam Rim also tends to take a person to a long healthy life as well.

By God's Grace

PS "I consider myself to be both a mystical Christian and a Tibetan Buddhist. I'm also one of the 25% of Buddhists around the world that also believes in God."

However, there is no conflict between Buddhism and Christianity because philosophically Christians don't consider Buddhism to be a religion only an Eastern Philosophy because Christians don't believe that Buddhists Believe in God and to Christians if God isn't involved it isn't considered to be a religion.

However, I'm a Christian and I DO believe in God and Christianity. However, I also see the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism because I like how right mindful Compassion heals everyone 24 hours a day ongoing in the past, present and future throughout the entire universe.

In other words I feel it is in everyone's enlightened Self interests to believe in Right mindful compassion leading towards full enlightenment and Siddhis like Jesus Demonstrated.

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