Monday, March 28, 2022

What Does Mahasiddha Mean?

 I was told by Tibetan Lamas in India and the U.S. that the word MahaSiddha is actually two words:

Maha-which means King

and Siddha- which means God's magical empowerments

So, to be a Mahasidda means you are a King of God's magical empowerments or gifts.

So, a Mahasiddha can do things like Walk on water, turn water into wine, Heal the sick and bring the dead back to life like Jesus did.

So, I'm thinking that Jesus might have learned to do all this in India where this kind of thing was taught a lot then to Mahasiddhas in Training especially in a place called Nalanda University in Bihar STate in India.

I visited the ruins of Nalanda Buddhist University around the 1st of the year in 1986 with a Tibetan Lama and my family because we had just received the Kalachakra Tantric initiation from the Dalai Lama along with about 500,000 others in Bodhgaya, India then. Bodhgaya, India is where Buddha became enlightened 2500 years ago approximately.

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