Wednesday, March 30, 2022

When I was young I believed in Truth:

 But the problem with the raw truth is that it kills as many people as it saves.

By my late 20s I began to see that the truth kills at least 50% of the time.

So, to worship the truth is to kill people with the truth 50% of the time.

Then I realized what people really need is kindness.

For example, when I was 45 going through a terrible divorce I just needed a girlfriend who would be kind to me.

That's all I really needed was someone to be kind to me.

Because when you are really really angry about what is happening in your life the last thing you need is someone to set you off.

So, I chose to marry my next girlfriend partly because she was likely the kindest most refined person I had ever met. And like me she lived with the angels and shared much of my belief systems.

So, often when I go into our bedroom at night (because she usually goes to sleep much earlier than I do I often experience the healing angels in our bedroom when I go to sleep. So, I'm never afraid when I enter our bedroom (unless I accidentally wake her up and she yells at me for doing this).

Otherwise, I walk into a room full of angels and peace in my life when I finally go to sleep.

This is good.

By God's Grace

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