Monday, March 28, 2022

What does this mean? "To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future"

I have always been a precognitive psychic. As an adult I also became a soul traveler where I found I could travel not only time but space as well. At one point I went to the edge of the galaxy and went out past the edge of the galaxy an scared myself a lot and stopped soul traveling for a few years because I got scared.

What I did not understand then was that not only is our planet a living sentient being but also our galaxy. I did not realize I was a part of the organism of the galaxy. So, when I went out past the edge of the galaxy I was terrified to suddenly out of the blue discover this.

So, basically what this means is that sometimes I can travel not only time but space as well and observe what is going on in that time line wherever I am.

I find that God is charge of all this though. Otherwise, if you try to soul travel without his angels around you, you might die.

By God's Grace

PS So, what the statement in the title means is that often I can share what I see in other times and spaces than this one. I can also sometimes see past, present and future lifetimes of my own as if they were right now. However, this is pretty tricky and I wouldn't recommend doing this for most people for about 1000 reasons.

By God's Grace 

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