Monday, May 30, 2022

being in your 70s, 80s or 90s or 100s and watching the series "Night Sky" might not be the best for you


Because I find it difficult enough to be 74 and maintaining my life and moving forward without causing myself more problems than I need at present.

The problem with being in your 70s or 80s or 90s is often your friends dying or getting ill or fading out or changing a lot mentally. Life is difficult enough without being reminded of all this every day.

I prefer to live at home because I can afford to and I notice people who stay at home with their significant other or friends often live to 90 or 100 because they don't give up and move into a rest home.

People who live a long time usually keep their homes or apartments because when you give up and live in a rest home there often is nothing left to live for and so you don't.

This is the real problem of moving into a rest home. The problems one has of taking care of themselves are also the problems that keep us mentally fit enough to go on living. When you have people do too many things for you your mind and body stop working because they are no longer needed and they go away.

Everything in your mind and body follows this rule: "Use it or lose it". 

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