Friday, May 27, 2022

is it realistic to expect people to avoid a climate disaster in various places all over the earth?

Probably not.

However, it is realistic that some people will survive the climate disasters and some will not.

However, unless people plan to be places where they can survive the climate disasters they likely will not survive.

Simply staying put wherever you are on earth now likely won't be possible for most people unless they want to be one of the people or families not to survive what is presently coming for everyone on earth in regards to planetary global climate changes.

Sort of like Noah building his ark we must all think in some ways like Noah to survive what is coming to earth in the next several hundred years.

Expecting the people of earth to change very much is not realistic even if you are one of the 1/4 of the people of earth who are even educated enough to understand the problem fully. And with each new year the problem changes and grows in complexity worldwide.

It is not something that ANYONE can easily respond to.

So, like Noah building his ark to survive the flood we all must find our way forward to try to find a way daily to survive what is coming for all of us through global climate changes.

I'm not sure that many of us would have believed that the Western United States could or would have a 20 plus year drought from about 2000 AD to the present either with Lake Powell dropping over 100 feet in water elevation in the last  3 years time. 

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