Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I would say that Covid consequences of many deaths and illnesses worldwide is the biggest factor in causing the 213 mass shootings in the U.S.

When I grew up in the 1950s people were much more self disciplined mostly because more people went to church and believed if they did things wrong that God would punish them. However, since then Islamic Terrorists have destroyed many younger people's faith in any religions at all, especially in places like New York and California and Chicago and places more educated and sophisticated both technically and psychologically.

When you can get good medical care people tend to have less (of the fear of God within them) in all areas. when people can ask questions on their Smartphones to literally any question they have then religion and God often becomes less of an issue for them.

I still believe in God because I wouldn't have survived past 15 with my concussion and seizures if I hadn't believed in God. It was all I had to turn to since my parents didn't believe in doctors much at that time in the 1950s and early 1960s.

But, many don't believe in God anymore because Islamic Terrorists have killed that way of thinking in many young people around the world now. Now if you say you believe in God many young people are just horrified and that's all. In other words especially along the California coast among children who have gone to public colleges and universities this is true now today. Young people often just think people who believe in God are archaic and kind of Crazy and that's all.

On one level it means there are many less people who become religious fundamentalists bent on getting nuclear weapons to blow up the whole world in an armageddon like event. So, on that level we have less crazies trying to blow up the world. So, in some ways this is a positive thing.

But, the negative consequences of this is people kill themselves and others much more quickly in mass shootings simply because they don't believe that there is any afterlife or God to answer to so it doesn't matter if they kill themselves or others along the way.

This is the problem with agnosticism and atheism that we see today worldwide.  And I'm thinking this problem is only going to get exponentially worse worldwide as time goes on. Now this problem is mostly in the U.S. but it is slowly spreading around the world as children become more educated by public institutions from kindergarten through University level training.

And taking guns away from people is not going to solve this problem either by the way. This problem is going to manifest whether people have guns, knives, crossbows or hand grenades or grenade rocket launchers. This problem will haunt us through this century and many others to come.

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