Friday, May 27, 2022

More regarding "The Alien War" that I was writing last fall of 2021

I was writing my book "The Alien War" and found that it was going places I didn't expect at all. Part of this is because I  thought the book was supposed to be about the aliens manipulating humans into not going extinct this century or the next ones.

The problem is that overpopulation has created Global Climate changes so severe that most humans likely are going to die from these changes this century or the next.

I expect there to be only about 1 billion people or less alive by 2100 AD for example.

So, the Ukraine war can I suppose be seen in various different ways:

1. One could see it as a horrific experience for the world to endure and that is true.

2. One could also see this as aliens manipulating Putin to thin out the human race in this way. This would (amazingly enough) not be about people dying in Ukraine at all. It would be about people starving to death without the grains from Ukraine and Russia in the Middle East and Africa and other nations like China as Ukraine grains rot in their silos or are just not harvested or replanted at all in Ukraine because of the war there. Because 30% of the world's grain is grown in Ukraine or southern Russia(both of which are severely affected because of this war.

3. One could see all this as a part of a larger plan to try to end global climate changes 300 to 500 years into the future by systematically reducing human populations worldwide enough so global Climate changes subside by 300 to 500 years into the future and go back to some new normal.

4. One could see that living underground (where winds of 300 to 500 mph) cannot blow down where you live. So, wooden structures likely ALL will blow down by 2150 worldwide, for example, because of global climate changes. It is also possible that all trees and plant life will blow away from the surfaces of most earth areas by 2150 also.

5. People thinking that there will be a zero carbon solution to the world's climate changes are naive.

6. So, terraforming and weather alterations might be the only way anyone survives the global climate changes taking place here on earth the next several hundred years.

7. If the human race does not radically reduce in numbers by 2100 it is very likely we will go extinct by 2200 AD.

These are things I'm aware of so this is why I'm writing about all this since last Fall to about December of 2021.

So, my idea is that we need to prepare for winds of 300 to 500 miles per hour and all coastal cities hit by tidal waves caused by ferocious winds worldwide.

We need to prepare for a time when submarines might be the only way to transport goods from country to country via the ocean.

We need to prepare for a time when winds will be so fierce that one cannot fly planes most days of the year here on earth. And only under ideal conditions will planes be able to fly.

However, space travel (getting up out of the atmosphere) to travel to another location on earth might be useful to avoid the winds causing the plane to crash.

So, one would go straight up out of the atmosphere and later come down through the atmosphere quickly when winds were not that bad at another location. 

This is technically how this would be done.

By God's Grace

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