Friday, May 27, 2022

Why is prayer helpful?

If I analyze prayer from a psychological point of view what you are doing when you pray is you are making an agreement with life to believe something. And when you believe something you also help to set in motion that something happening in various different ways.

This is looking at this from a psychological point of view.

Of course there are many other ways to look at this.

For example, I found myself studying Comparative Religion because my friend was studying this at UCLA from 1969 until 1976 while he got his bachelor's degree and Master's degree in History specializing in Buddhism and Sanskrit. This also got me interested in Tibetan Buddhism during this time too. I had read along with  my father a book called "My Life in Tibet" and we had visited the Science of Mental Physics in Joshua Tree also which was built by the man who wrote that book and traveled through Tibet who was a map maker in the early 1900s to Tibet.

Though I never got to Tibet because of the timing of my trip to India and Nepal with my family for 4 months, I did go within a few miles of the Tibetan Border which was controlled by China then. However, when I found out that a busload of people had frozen to death at the 20,000 foot high pass driving over to Lhasa I decided I didn't want to risk my family's life too by doing this even if I was able to get a visa into China and Tibet at that time from Kathmandu. The bus's engine gave out and all the passengers soon died of hypothermia and oxygen deprivation at that altitude with no heat.

I also knew of a lady from a church near where I now live whose dream it was to go to Lhasa and visit Tibet. The problem was she was at least 70 when she did this so when she landed in a plane in Lhasa at 12,000 feet altitude she died within 15 minutes of getting off the plane from the altitude.

At the time I went there I was 37 in late 1985 and early 1986 and so was my wife then and our kids were 10, 12 and 14 years old then but I wasn't willing to risk their lives by taking a bus to Lhasa, Tibet from Kathmandu, Nepal then. 

The way I see prayer is you make and agreement with life and things often happen.

From my point of view as an intuitive all life watches us as to what we are going to do in any given moment. Even our thoughts are watched by all life around us by everything near us.

We are all valued by what we do if we are helpful to other beings, otherwise often our lives are cut short by one means or another also by life. You can call this God or whatever you want to call it but whatever you do to every part of life around you including your own body and mind comes back to you in full force along the way.

"What Goes Around Comes Around"

This is why prayer is important if you want your family and friends to stay alive and be healthy ongoing.

By God's Grace

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