Monday, July 4, 2022

"Don't let them Ban your Freedom! Move to California?"

 And as the visuals turn to picturesque vistas of California beaches and vineyards, the governor declares, “I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight – or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom: Freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and the freedom to love.” Newsom closes his appeal with the words, “Don’t let them take your freedom.”

Boom! That’s the message Democrats should embrace. Today’s Republican party is an extremist movement that is literally coming for our freedoms. DeSantis – who many political observers expect will run for president in 2024 – is one of the leaders of the GOP’s efforts across a number of states to ban everything from academic freedom to reproductive rights.

end partial quote from:

By the way this is pretty much how a majority of Californians think, especially if they were raised in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco or anywhere along the California Coast.

Freedom to choose and academic Freedom are especially true in campuses that are California State Universities or University of California Courses. 

In fact, I felt as a married white man very very discriminated against especially by Lesbian members of the campus to the point where I didn't really have the right to defend myself in classes as a straight white married business man with Teenage children and this was around 1989 to 1991 at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

However, I also understood what people were trying to accomplish was to empower people of different sexual persuasions and I also knew it was true that white men had had a lot of rights (especially those that grew up in the 1950s). So, maybe I didn't need to defend being a straight white business man married with kids attending a University of California then around 1989?

However, I divorced in 1994 and remarried and now have a 26 year old daughter too on top of the other children. I have a slightly different point of view at this point. I see all the different (my youngest tells me that there are now at least 25 different sexual preferences whereas I had trouble enough just dealing with gay or bisexuals then. So, now it's beyond confusing for me (and likely for the rest of the world too).

I really don't know where all this is going. However, if I study history the whole sexual preference thing might not survive the next 25 to 50 years here on earth. Is that good or bad?

I don't know the answer to this question really. It's just studying history I see a whole lot of suffering coming for people not just straight given how world history has always worked especially during wartime like I see coming for people in the U.S. and Europe.

Am I right or wrong?

I don't know.

But if you study history during wars it's hard enough to survive even if you are straight. This appears to be a given down through history. But, I hope I'm wrong because I have gay friends too here in California. However, I likely am right because I'm a precognitive psychic.

But then again. I'm alway surprised by what happens every day too.

For example, I couldn't have ever imagined someone as self centered as Trump ever becoming president and being okay with destroying the American Dream forever for his selfish wants.

So, maybe the future will surprise me regarding sexual preferences too?

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