Left leaning people (Democrats) often want the most freedoms possible like Abortion, Freedom to Vote for everyone and things like this.
However, the Republican party is more conservative and money oriented and tends to say: "Hey! That's not financially practical to do that!"
So, in this really basic way this is how the two parties (have in the past but not now) counteract one another with the Republicans being more financially practical and the Democrats wanting maximum freedoms at all costs.
So, the Republican party traditionally (but not now) has been like the older more mature and experienced parent husbanding the money so it isn't spent in frivolous or impractical ways.
However, with Trump this all changed to something else with him stealing people's monies and using them for all sorts of financially impractical things.
So, Trump has brought the Republican party and the nation itself to near bankruptcy which is one reason why Putin feels he can win and take Ukraine and all the rest of Europe too at this point.
Putin's support of Trump has been a part of America's undoing as a nation.
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