Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Civil War began during the 1850s and lasted at least until 1900 on a Social Level

The 1850s looked a lot like now where states began to fight each other legally. So, what we are experiencing right now the beginnings of was what happened on a legal level from the 1850s until the War began at Fort Sumpter in South Carolina in 1861. Then after the war ended with the surrender of General Robert E. Lee on April 9th,  1865 and President Lincoln being assassinated Lincoln's vice president President Andrew Johnson tried to reinstitute slavery in the U.S. but Congress wouldn't let him. So, what we are seeing now could be what I would call "A Social Civil War without armies fighting (yet)". After the civil War many of the northern Union Army had died and people in the north wanted revenge on the south for the war so they sent in "The Carpetbaggers" to make life difficult for people in the South.

Now we are seeing the same thing happen between the Red States and the Blue States in that this all is moving towards a violent Civil War. However, it is much more likely now that the Red States will secede and become their own country and the Blue States will eventually become one or more countries in this present reiteration of the 2nd Civil War we are witnessing right now. Depending upon whether there is a Red President (Republican) or a Blue President (Democrat) you likely could see the opposite of whoever the president is secede from the union of states eventually. This is what we are presently facing.

What is happening already is people who are pro choice are moving to Blue pro choice states and people who are Anti-Abortion are already moving to Red States here in the U.S. I think most young child bearing age women who can will now leave all the red states and move to the Blue (Democratic States) within the next 10 to 20 years, for example. This is a trickle now but it will be like the breaking of a dam of women leaving red states soon as the draconian anti-Abortion legislation moves into action in the red states and young women start to die like flies when they are not allowed to terminate their pregnancies when they need to to survive their lives. So, the present Civil war is beginning over the issues of abortion and gun rights.

For example, only 7 states ban assault weapons out of the 50 states now. California is one of the 7 states that have outlawed assault weapons.

The Battle of Fort Sumter took place in 1861 in South Carolina which was the formal beginning of the Civil War between the Northern States and the Southern States.


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