Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How writing about Arcane changed my life starting in 1980

 I experienced as I began to write in this format deep soul healing which surprised me a lot.

At the time, however, I didn't understand fully what I was writing. I only thought I was writing a science fiction format to heal the traumas of my youth and young adulthood.

After all, I had been born in 1948 and living in the U.S. back then in itself (at any age) was pretty traumatic for anyone. And living other places on earth than the U.S. were worse.

I can remember being 2 years old and thinking that this was a completely boring dreary place here on earth and that I wanted to leave. I could see how miserable most people were in Seattle where I was born then. People generally were not happy at all. 

However, my mother was amazing in that she likely was and is the most naturally spiritual and loving person I ever met in my life. She would sing along with the record player with Mario Lanza the Opera singer.

I put a link to his song that she loved the most below. She would sing along with him and my mother was one of the most amazing Coloratura Sopranos I have ever heard. Even in church her voice would stand out when she sang. She told me she married my father because he had a car and a driver's license so she could go out into the wilderness to sing to God and the angels and nature. So, I have pictures of us places like Mt. Rainier on my father's shoulders at age 2 walking along glaciers or snow smiling with my father being out in nature.

My mother didn't learn to drive until I was 6 years old and i remember being thrown into the windshield when she hit a neighbor's mailbox and knocked it down because we didn't have seat belts or car seats back then. So, children had to get used to being injured a lot in cars and trucks back then. But, I was tough and didn't need to go to the hospital but she felt bad she had injured me. But, part of the reason was that she had trouble mastering the column stick shift which is hard to get used to. However, by 1956 we bought a new Century Buick with Automatic Transmission which was much better. But, I don't think we had air conditioning until her 1965 Chevrolet Impala. But, it's possible that the Buick also had air conditioning too. It's a long time ago now.

Writing about Arcane changed the direction of my life in a lot of ways in that it started me consciously healing myself from all my traumas of every lifetime past, present and future. Though I wouldn't have been able to understand this at that time starting in 1980 because I hadn't evolved enough to have deep enough realizations about life to understand this fully yet. But, by 1998 and 1999 when I believed I might be dying of a Heart virus (doctors were not sure I would live either). I was preparing for my death then psychologically.

However, to be fair I need to say that the angels came to me the day I believed I was dying which started all this off when I couldn't feel my lips or hands or arms right. I called my son to take me to the hospital because he was about 24 then in 1998 in the fall. I knew I couldn't drive myself then and besides my wife was at work and I think we only had one car then and she was driving it to work. So, my son came and picked me up and took me to the hospital.

But, while I was waiting for him to take me to the hospital the angels came and surrounded me in an oval of Angels and said in unison to me: "You aren't going to die! Your life will get better now!" 

They repeated this over and over until every cell in my body believed them fully which I believe is why I didn't die during the next 9 months of being sick with a heart virus.

I didn't even know what was wrong with me and neither did the doctors until I was getting better by the way because most people die of heart viruses then. I was the ONLY one I knew of who actually survived a heart virus in California in 1998 and 1999. Because for most people the diagnosis then was only posthumously given.

So, I survived then and I realized during these 9 months that a soul isn't what I thought it was. A Human soul has absolutely nothing to do with time and space at all because a human soul pre-existed the creation of all Galaxies. So, time and space means nothing to a human soul unless the soul is wearing a human body or other body at the time. Only wearing a body can a soul actually experience time and space very well at all.

There is a rhythm to time and space and unless you are living inside it it has no meaning at all to a soul.

By God's Grace


Mario Lanza Be My Love
YouTube Vincent Di Placido
Dec 16, 2010

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