Thursday, January 19, 2023

If a 100 megaton Hydrogen bomb went off at 528,000 feet in in the sky:

Nothing physical on the ground like houses or military bases blows up and melts.

But, everything electrical in the whole U.S. or Europe (depending where something like this is actually set off) ends permanently.

Imagine this: Nothing electrical above about 10 feet below ground ever works again (without being replaced by something made far away in another country. There are of course military exceptions to this because there are ways to wire buses and tanks to survive something like this and also possibly military fighter jets too might have this expensive military design wiring that prevents the melt down of all wires and generators and electric motors everywhere in the U.S. or Europe or wherever this happens on earth.

In the previous writing I did it was hacked originally by "who I don't know" likely because it is too much real and factual information regarding all this for whoever it was.

However, being a man raised in 1950s and 1960s I was expected to die in a nuclear holocaust back then like everyone else. Or I was supposed to know this kind of stuff so I could blow up the enemy who did this to us. (something like that).

So, basically I was taught all this in case I was drafted or joined the military like everyone had to from World War II if you were a man until well after the Viet Nam War. So, between the 1950s and the end of the Viet Nam War I was taught all this stuff in High School and College to defend our nation from all enemies as a young man.

So, everything I wrote about in "EMP" is factual according to what I was taught in school and college in the 1950s and 1960s.

This isn't all made up by the way, this is from what I was taught in case I became a soldier or an officer in the U.S. military around the time of Viet Nam war in Viet Nam.

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