Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Whether you take hydrogen from the Air or the Sea or the lakes and rivers of the world it is eventually problematic


Because if you take hydrogen from the air you are taking Moisture out of the air. Taking hydrogen from the air means separating Oxygen from Hydrogen which is what water vapor and water in general is composed of.

So, basically it means you are eliminating water from the air. 

But, if you take water from the ocean or a lake or river to split the hydrogen from the oxygen you are also eliminating Water from the earth by doing this.

At first it might not mean that much but over time there will be less and less and less water in the air in the sea and in the lakes and in the rivers until there is no water left at all on earth.

Just like in the Air, Water is of a limited quantity here on earth so if you eliminate enough water you change every thing here on earth in the process.

How much is too much elimination of water for humans to continue to survive on earth?

I don't think people really know at this point.

We need to think about all this more before we start doing this at random worldwide regarding eliminating moisture in the air and in lakes and streams and from the ocean. Where will it end? 

Right now we are dealing with Floods and Droughts caused by global Climate changes on going. 

What will stealing the water and turning it into hydrogen and oxygen separately do to the Earth and all our lives?

No one knows for sure the answer to this question but I guess we will soon find out.

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