Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Democracy works better in Times of Plenty. Why?

In times of plenty there are more people making decisions which affect everyone and so food and shelter and work to stay alive is more equitably distributed among the masses.

There IS NO perfect system but democracy allows for more people not dying horribly from things they shouldn't die from.

However, in hard times people are going to do whatever they have to do to survive which basically means almost anything.

Though the U.S. has been successful so far in navigating the Post Covid world without going into a major recession the rest of the world hasn't been that lucky (for one reason or the other or even many reasons).

We live in a very precarious world right now because of the suffering of the common people in most nations including our own. For example, even though we have avoided a recession, we now have 20% more homeless people now than before Covid and likely Covid is one of the many reasons along with Global Climate change that brought this about.

Though people underestimate the effects of Global Climate changes and Covid a lot it is important to understand how changed our world is now since around 2020. So many people older than 45 have died from Covid and other causes that the world is still reeling from this major transfer of wealth to the next generation often without any preparation at all. And this is still happening worldwide.

So, I think we need to be prepared for a great deal of worldwide chaos as all the democracies struggle for survival while everyone on earth (to one degree or another) also struggles for survival.

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